
Hi, I am a Night Elf Druid on the Bladefist server on World of Warcraft. My main character is a restoration build Druid and really enjoy the experience, and i share my wowing with a few close friends. I hope you enjoy this blog and I will try to update this as often as possible. Hope you enjoy your stay.


Tuesday 1 July 2008

Monday 30 June 2008

As the result of many months of patient waiting, I am about to embark on a new Blogging experience with a new gorup of trainees!! It has been quite a while since I was last online, but it will be good fun to see if my skills (or lack thereof) are still around.

So tomorrow I will get my group together for the first time and off we will go into the wonderfull world of Blogging.

Wednesday 3 October 2007

God Knows what day!!!

Well, i am ashamed to say my blogging experience slowed to a crawl for a while, i havent updated mine for a while : / Not a very good example, but I am now back on top of things at work, and will definately make more of an effort to keep this blog current!! I also plan to have another blog running alongside this one, more of a rant page really, where we cant rant and rave on just about anything. I'll probably start a topic, and then let you all have a go, Pamela should have plenty to say then!!! Hopefully everyone will join in when its up, and im sure there will be some choice comments on it!!!

Anyway I'll say bye bye for now, and I hope to see yu all here again soon


Monday 16 July 2007

Week 2

Well this is the second week of the blogging exercise and we shall see this how far we can expand our blogs. Again, this is new territory for all involved, but on the whole we have progessed well and hopefully you will see the results unfold.

For the benefit of the trainees who as yet have not uploaded a video to their blogs, we will upload another today, and then move on to the next exercise.


Friday 13 July 2007

Day 4

As we started this on a Tuesday, it is already the end of the week! Unfortunately one of the group has already left, Donna, and we are both happy and sad to see her go. She was a welcome addition to all the group's, always pleasant, and never negative, and we all wish her the very best for the future. On the group that is left, as you can see, we finally figured out how to publish a video, RESULT!! and hopefully the remaining trainee's will successfully host a video on thier own blogs very early next week.

As this was an untested class, it was unclear wether or not it would continue, but, as it has been a great success so far, mainly due to the participation of the group itself, I will continue to deliver the session's as long as possible. I suppose the best testiment to it would be that the trainees continue blogging after they leave here, and they have taken to doing just that at night when they leave here after a long day. Each morning I have been met with improvements in every blog done the night before, well done to you all, and thank you for helping me get through the first week!! See you all Monday

Thursday 12 July 2007